
The Future_Global_AI_PET Database: CMIP_6 Future Projections provides high-resolution (30 arc-seconds) global raster datasets of average monthly and annual potential evapotransipation (PET) and aridity index (AI) for two historical (1960-1990; 1970-2000) and two future (2021-2040; 2041-2060) time periods for each of 22 CMIP6 Earth System Models across four emission scenarios (SSP: 126, 245, 370, 585). The database also includes three averaged multi-model ensembles produced for each of the four emission scenarios:

· All Models: includes all of the 22 ESM, as available within a particular SSP.

· High Risk: includes 5 ESM identified as projecting the highest increases in temperature and precipitation and lying outside and significantly higher than the majority of estimates.

· Majority Consensus: includes 15 ESM, that is, all available ESM excluding the ESM in the “High Risk” category, and those missing data across all of the 4 SSP. Further herein referred to as the “Consensus” category.

These geo-spatial datasets have been produced with the support of Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, IAFES Division; Centre for Mountain Futures, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Science; CIFOR-ICRAF China Program, World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF) and the National Biodiversity Future Center (NBFC).

These datasets are provided under a CC_BY 4.0 License (please attribute), in standard GeoTiff format, WGS84 Geographic Coordinate System, 30 arc seconds or ~ 1km at the equator, to support studies contributing to sustainable development, biodiversity and environmental conservation, poverty alleviation, and adaption to climate change, among other global, regional, national, and local concerns.

The Future_Global_AI_PET is available online from the Science Data Bank (ScienceDB) at: https://doi.org/10.57760/sciencedb.nbsdc.00086

Global Aridity Index and Potential Evapotranspiration Database: CMIP_6 Future Projections

Robert J. Zomer, Antonio Trabucco
Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, IAFES Division, Sassari, Italy.